Saturday 13 November 2010

Trustworthy Honest Reliable Manchester Builders?

Hi all, and yes these words do go together in the same sentence! There are many TV shows on today that simply scare the crap out of people looking to have any kind of building work done on their homes, cowboy builders, DIY sos to name a few....while these programs are a great help in weeding out the cowboys and highlighting potential problems to newbies, it also creates massive headaches for the decent guys out there too, yes and that means builders like us!!! People are checking,double checking and triple checking everything that you say or do and it simply hinders going forward and getting things done and while i understand completely the motives there has to be a limit to how much confirming and reassuring we should have to do......people looking to get building work on their homes, do your research, check out the companies quoting for work BEFORE they come and see you...check if they are insured, ask for references and when given those references ask if it is ok to go and view those references so you can see first hand what the actually work looks like and if the references are in fact will lose 80% of "would be" quotes simply by taking these simple steps.

If the company tells you they are insured, ask for details of insurance and as with ourselves the insurance company will ring you to confirm insured parties....we do this on request and have no problem doing so because we understand that customers need reassurance.....if a company tells you they are insured and then squirm when you ask for details, guess what, yup, they were telling you porkies and many companies and one man band builders rely on the fact that most people are trusting and will not check!

Same with references, if a company delays in providing refs of previous work then they probably dont have any....any decent builder WILL have references to provide because they care about what they do and understand that some of the more cautious clients will ask for them.

SO........what i am trying to say is do your research BEFORE asking builders to come and quote because the good guys out there will get miffed when they have spent time quoting and then get bombarded with questions about their history both yourself and the builders time by asking before getting a quote.

If you asked 20 builders these simple questions before asking for a quote i guarantee only 3 or 4 will comply.

Give it a try for yourself, and if any of you are in the Manchester area and are looking for a reputable manchester builder, please do give us a call.

Thanks for reading!

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